- Vocal TrainingActing & SingingCarrie Sheldon
- StanislovskiTechniquePope Freeman
- ImprovShort & Long Forms SF Comedy College
- Uta HagenTechniqueRick Mokler
- Acting and AuditioningOn CameraJoe Mazza
- rosencrantz and guildenstern are deadLeadPope Freeman
- True WestLeadRick Mokler
- LiptonSpokespersonTracy Locke
- HondaLeadPicket Advertising
- IntelLeadPederson Media Croup
- HPLeadMo Husseini
- CiscoSupportingJim Barton
- SandiskPrincipleRoman Honeycutt
- CiscoSpokespersonMary Rose
Motion Capture
- QualcommLeadMatt Silverman
- Lipton HostTracy Locke
- HondaLeadJohn Alper
- Greater Nevada Credit UnionLeadJerry Duggan
- Coupons.comPrincipleSean McCarthy
- Versus UnleashedPrincipleTom Savini
- Food KidsHostPaul Reneaud
- Wives With KnivesLeadMike Bruining
- Husbands and WivesLeadJason Ragosta
- Recipe For LovePrincipleChauncey Whales
- Pete's All StarsPrincipleMike French
- The ProcessLeadAndre Welsh
- Expecting Different ResultsLeadEric Katsuleres
- Table For OnePrincipleJesse Coane
- With You AroundLeadMitch Costanza
- Ice Block LoveLeadBob Saenz
- Red Sleep (Web Series)PrincipleAndre Welsh
- ActingGroundlings, Improv, Second City, Sketch, Stand-up
- Driving4wd, Stick Shift
- MiscellaneousChef, Hosting, Teleprompter, Video Games, Yoga
- General SportsBadminton, Baseball, Bowling, Football, Golf, Hiking, Jogging, Ping Pong, Racquetball, Running, Snow Ski, Softball, Tennis, Trampoline, Volleyball, Water Polo, Water Skier, Weight Lifter, Free Diving
- SwimmingBack Stroke, Breast Stroke, Butterfly, Diving, Freestyle, General Swim.
- CyclingBmx, Mountain Biking
Other skills
Host, Spokesperson, Chef/Cooking Instructor, Improvisational Singer: Rock, Rap, and Children’s Songs, Great with Kids and Animals on set, Comedy: Sketch, Physical, Dialects, and Improv, Tennis, Baseball, Swimming, Running, Yoga, Pilates, Spinning, and Choreographed Fighting