- This House Is Totally HauntedLeadSean Nichols Lynch
- Before The FallLeadNic Moore
- Just A MomentLeadElliot Slade
- Family MealSupportingRosario Estrella
- Strangers With XXX Mas CandySupportingDani Spinks
- Your Fucked Up RelationshipEnsembleJason Shotts
- SF SketchfestEnsembleMarcus Sams
- That One TroupeEnsembleMarcus Sams
- True MedusaEnsembleJill Eickmann
- Kari The Dart ChampionLeadSelf-Directed
- Meisner Technique Studio, 2-yr IntensiveJim Jarrett, Founder
- Cold Reading TechniqueThe Meisner Technique Studio
- Commercial and Film Audition IntensiveJim Jarrett
- Comedy ImprovEndgames Improv
- Stage Combat TrainingEast Carolina University, Theatre Arts
- DanceClub/freestyle, Pop Locking, Hip Hop
- ActingImprov, Long Form, Short Form
- SmokingCigar, Cigarettes
- General SportsBoxing, Basketball, Soccer, Fishing, Hiking, Bowling, Ping Pong, Weight Lifter, Jogging, Running, Kayaker, Golf, Tennis, Football
- SwimmingFreestyle, General Swim.
- Track FieldTrack, General, Relay
- Stage CombatStaff, Swords, Hand-to-hand
Other skills
Guitar, Driving stick shift, San Francisco Local Hire, Comfortable riding horses, Bartending