NYU Tisch drama (experimental theatre wing)studentActing teachers: Rosemary Quinn, Andy Reese, yvette Gainer, Catherine Coray, Kevin Kuhlke, Celestine
NYU on camera, film and TV acting at stonestreet studio.StudentTeachers: Cormac Bluestone, Rebecca Yarsin, Gabriel Frye-Behar, Michael Warner.
Ashland Oregon Shakespeare FestivalStudent and participant.Dayonna Tucker.
Tam High Drama’s Conservatory Theatre EnsembleStudentActing: Ben Cleaveland and Susan Brashear; Directing: Heather Basarab, Susan Brashear, and Carla Spi
Mother Courage and her childrenYvette PottierNew York University (Cleastine)
A Midsummer's Night DreamRoyalty. LysanderNew York University (Andy)
The Almost FairytaleDollTam High CTE
The MenueRachelTam High CTE
HamletOpheliaTam High CTE
Much Ado About NothingBelthazor/ The SextonTam High CTE